Our Vision
We want to defend the value of human life from conception to natural death and be a “Voice” for the Voiceless in India and beyond.

The greatness of a nation is measured by how it treats its weakest members.
Without even a hint of hesitation we can state that the weakest members of our society - of every civilization - are and always will be those who cannot speak for themselves. Those, whose voices go unheard, are the unborn children in their mothers‘ wombs.

Creating Awareness for Danger and Injustice
Our Life Seminars are a practical response to the injustices and the loss of high ethical values we are witnessing in our society today. The rising demand for pornographic materials, for instance, leads to an increase in human trafficking - a form of modern-day slavery...

… from Conception until Natural
This is how Life for All’s vision statement reads. Life is precious and worth defending at every stage, from day one until the last breath. There is no room for anyone to intervene and take life. Our job is to fight for life, to speak life, defend life, uphold life, value life, encourage life….